Thursday, November 14, 2013

Best Choices For Residential Metal Roofing

Hi I’m Todd I work for Louisville Roofing Contractors. I’ve been blessed throughout the years to have spent a great deal of time in the residential metal roofing industry. In fact I've been involved in the industry in the manufacturing for over 30 years at this point. I love sharing information, I love sharing what I’ve been blessed through out the years. I have an educational website at, where I have all kinds of information about residential metal roofing. I have articles, I have questions I’ve answered for others, and I’ve got podcast. There's a lot of great information there where you can learn about metal roofing for your home.

However, I want to start these series of Videos and this are going to be quick and informal. if you go to our main company's website, you can see we can do all kind of fancy Videos with utilizing great lighting and green screen and audio equipment and great input of our resident creative genius (who is not me). I really want to make this as short and simple and I’m going to put together these series of Videos on how to choose a roof for your home. Because my background is in metal roofing, I'm going to talk a lot of metal but I will also be talking about other materials as well trying to provide good and useful information. In this first Video, I want to talk about setting your criteria for a roof.

No one likes to have to go out and buy a new roof for their house

It’s not something any of us look forward to having to do. But the reality is every year, here in the United States, about 5 or 6% of us have to replace our roof, whether because the roofs have simply worn out or whether because they were storm damaged. The fact is every year between 5, 6, and maybe even as many as 7% of all American home owners have to replace their roofs. There's a lot of us have to face this every year. One of the important things always when your thinking about a new roof for your home, think real hard about you really want to accomplish with your new roof. the fact is the roofing industry is pretty in grain, whether that’s manufacturers, whether its contractors, whether its distributors, the roofing industry is pretty in grain to providing the same old stuff to most home owners year after year after year. Think about it. Check out my next post when I will talk more about how to make the best choices for your roof.